How to Develop World Class Coaches

OK. Let’s talk about how to develop world class coaches.

Grab a piece of paper. On one side of the paper, write down the characteristics of a great coach.

Does your list include any or all of the following:

  • Outstanding communicator
  • Visionary
  • Leader
  • Innovator
  • Negotiator
  • Conflict resolver
  • Media manager
  • Public relations genius
  • Team developer
  • People manager
  • Technical / tactical / strategic skills of the highest order
  • Philosopher
  • Politician
  • Futurist

OK – now turn the page over and write down a list of all the coach education programs which cover the above?

Is this side of the paper blank? Yes? Then we can begin. (more…)

3 Things Good Coaches Do

Three Things Good Coaches Do.

By Wayne Goldsmith

There are coaches.

And there are good coaches.

Coaches who do things right – and do the right things – the things that will help the athletes and the teams they coach to be all they can be.

So what is it that good coaches do that sets them apart?

What are the things that good coaches do that make them extra-ordinary?

Good coaches LISTEN.

Good coaches LEARN.

Good coaches LOVE.


Creative Coaches: Create, Innovate, Implement and Win.

Creativity – along with the capacity to inspire change through emotional connection is the most powerful tool a coach can possess. All coaches can learn to be creative – it’s not something you have to born with. You can learn to be creative – and by thinking, saying and doing things that are unique – that are different and by daring to be different you can achieve coaching success.

Sports Science and Coaching: Bridging the Gap.

Sports science has made and can continue to make a huge impact on sports performance. However, most sports scientists do not communicate their knowledge, research, ideas and information very well. As a result, many coaches will listen to and work with sports scientists who have made the effort to understand the coaching “world” and to sports science professionals who listen to, respect and engage with them as equals – as professionals trying to make a difference.

From One Size fits All to One Size fits One: The Future of Coach Education.

Coach education has shifted from being Content Driven to Context Relevant. Gone are the days of delivering boring, non-specific, content heavy coaching courses. Coaches are looking for smarter, more efficient and more effective ways of learning and most importantly, they are looking for information to help them coach more effectively in the coaching environment (context) they coach in. This article discusses the need for coach educators to seriously and radically change the way they deliver coach education, training and development programs.