High Performance Culture – Do you have what it takes?

Lots of sporting teams and professional sporting Clubs talk up having or wanting a “High Performance Culture”.

Do you have what it takes to create and sustain a High Performance Culture?

Think you’ve already got one??

Why? Because you’ve got a new gym and lots of expensive equipment? Because you’ve got some really talented players? Because you’ve just recruited a world class coach?

Think again……………….. (more…)

Ten Tips for Keeping your Relationship Healthy when you work in High Performance Sport


The term “Sporting Widow” (or widower) is almost a cliche in high performance sport as many, many relationships have fallen apart in the industry due to the demands and pressures of travel, preparation, competition, training camps etc etc.

This article is for all my coaching, sports science, sports medicine and sports management colleagues (and their long suffering partners and families) written after many years chatting over beers and lamenting the challenges of working on the road, away from loved ones trying to balance success in high performance sport with a successful relationship. (more…)


You Can’t Buy a Football Premiership.

By Wayne Goldsmith

Read the title of this article.

Now read it again.

Read it one more time.

Now, just to be sure you get it – You can’t buy a football premiership!

Here’s why.

Many, Many Football Clubs all over the world in all codes have tried to “buy” a premiership over the years. In fact one the main reasons some football codes have put a salary cap in place is to ensure one club can not “buy” a premiership by recruiting the majority of the best players available.

However, if the Football Administrators did their homework and studied their history, they would realise putting a salary cap in place to stop one team dominating a competition is unnecessary – you just simply can’t buy a football premiership. (more…)

To a Coach with a Hammer, Every Athlete is a Nail: Creativity in Sports Coaching.

Coaching is creativity.

To the successful coaches of the future, creativity will be a core coaching skill: right up there with communication, passion, empathy, commitment, the ability to engage athletes and sports specific technical skill.

But what does it mean to be creative and to coach creatively. And to coaches who are not naturally creative, can they learn to be?

Or to the coach with a hammer, is every athlete a nail? (more…)