Life coach? Teach living!

Attention all life coaches! What are you coaching?
Seems like there are many, many life coaches and almost as many life coaching courses out there. So what exactly are you coaching?
Here’s a quote from a well known life coaching program:
“Our program will show you to help your client achieve success in business, finance, asset accumulation, financial management and wealth creation”.
Doesn’t sound like a life coach – sounds like a CPA.
The most important thing a life coach can coach is living!
There is a popularly held belief that by coaching people to realise financial growth, they will be happy, balanced and contended individuals: it’s the other way around – happy, balanced and contended individuals make dreams happen.
Because, happy, balanced and contended individuals understand themselves and what they want out of life: and they understand what they are really passionate about.
Coach people just to live – to be happy – to enjoy every minute of every day – to love themselves and to love life: surely this is the true essence of life coaching: teaching living!
A wise old man once told me, “Think about what you really love to do. Really think about it. When you discover what that it is – when you find your passion – work hard at it – give everything you have to it and the success and money will come”.
He said, “If you love stamp collecting, do it. If it’s window cleaning, do it. If it’s marathon running, do it.Your passion will give you energy. It will sustain you through the tough times. Passion will give you persistence and perseverance. But it all starts with understanding and following your passion”.
Too many people chase money, fame fortune, success, wealth and property hoping that it will make them happy – that money will help them find their passion. It’s the other way around…find your passion, work hard at it and everything will flow…
- First understand yourself.
- Then understand what you really want out of life.
- The rest is patience, persistence, perseverance and passion.
Coaching lessons:
- There are no magic formulas, secret methods, ten days to wealth and success etc: there’s you, your dreams and your passion.
- Coach your clients to understand themselves: their true selves and help them discover their real passion.
- Then coach them to put in place the systems, structures and methods to tap into that passion and make dreams happen – in the end change means action.
Wayne Goldsmith
1 Comment
james marshall · January 7, 2011 at 7:25 pm
Great post Wayne, my number one goal this year is to have more FUN. Easy to get caught up on work without putting things into perspective. That means more Fun coaching and infecting enthusiasm into the other athletes and coaches too.