Athlete Empowerment Under The Microscope – Myths And Misunderstandings Of Coaching Empowerment.

Athlete Empowerment Under The Microscope – Myths And Misunderstandings Of Coaching Empowerment.
The world of sports coaching – like most areas of human endeavour – is full of trends, fads, jargon, gizmos and gimmicks. Every so often there’s another “revolutionary” new direction in coaching, sports science, athlete development and sports performance.
One big buzz phrase that’s permeated through the coaching colloquialism right now is “athlete empowerment” – and like most revolutionary new ideas, it’s being over-used and under-understood!
This Sports Thoughts Podcast Episode talks about athlete empowerment from the perspective of how to coach it – and how coaches can incorporate the principles and practices of athlete empowerment in the planning, preparation, practice and performance of their athletes.
So why athlete empowerment?
Simply – it makes sense.
No matter how great you are at coaching – or teaching – or instructing – or leading – or managing – you can’t do it all by yourself.
A key principle of helping people be all they can be is to shift from coaching “at” them to coaching “with” them: from a coach driven, coach led environment to an athlete driven, athlete empowered environment where athletes willingly accept the ownership of – and responsibility for their own preparation, practice and performance.
There’s an “energy” about the coach – athlete relationship. And like all energies, it can run high or low.
The problem with trying to do it all by yourself, drive the environment alone and be the source of all energy and motivation for your athletes is that it is draining and not sustainable.
By connecting with, engaging with and inspiring athletes to feel empowered and to willingly accept ownership over and responsibility for the realization of their own potential – the overall energy of the environment grows exponentially.
A Philosophical shift in coaching from “Telling and Yelling” to Coaching the “Power of Choice” and athlete empowerment.
The old model of standing on the sideline or at the end of the pool or on the side of the court “telling” athletes what to do and “yelling” instructions at them is over – it’s been over for about for years and years and years and I’d argue it was NEVER the way to coach effectively.
Coaching now is about P.O.W.E.R. – specifically – it’s about coaching the power of choice:
- Person before Performance;
- Ownership;
- Willingly Self Leading;
- Engagement;
- Responsibility.
Wayne Goldsmith