Coaching And COVID19
Coaching and Covid19.
By Wayne Goldsmith
Coaching is the art of inspiring change through emotional connection….read that last word again…CONNECTION.
Covid19 has presented coaches with many difficult and seemingly overwhelming challenges none the least being trying to figure out how to connect with, engage and inspire athletes without being physically present with them at training or competition.
As a coach recently told me:
“Not being able to see the athletes and work directly with them makes things very difficult. Coaching is the accumulation of all those little moments…..a minute or two with the athlete one-on-one after training discussing a a skill issue, a few words here and there during training to help the athlete stay focused on an important aspect of technique…….all those little, live, in context, coach-able moments – that’s what coaching is all about!”.
Coaching and Covid19 – Some of the Greatest Coaching Challenges.
One of the most common issues coaches are experiencing right now is that of trying to find ways to stay connected with their athletes during the pandemic.
It is important to consider the difference between INFORMATION and CONNECTION.
Many coaches have attempted to stay connected with their athletes by sending training programs, videos, podcasts and written materials to them by email or through social media.
This however – is not connection….it’s information dissemination.
It might “feel” good to send athletes yoga videos and links to motivational podcasts but these strategies do not connect the heart and mind of the coach with the heart and mind of the athlete.
Connection – and coaching generally – is based on the authenticity and strength of the actual relationship between the coach and athlete.
Some methods of connecting with athletes during Covid19 include:
- *Video conferencing, e.g. SKYPE, ZOOM, FACETIME, etc where coach and athlete can spend time discussing training and other relevant issues directly;
- *Phone conversations;
- *Sharing of training data in real time, e.g. GPS data, heart rate data, work-load information, self-monitoring information.
In this Podcast, I talk about Coaching and Covid19 and suggest ways coaches can maintain and grow their relationships with their athletes during these difficult and demanding times.
I also present some strategies for coaches to re-commence preparation and practice post Covid19.
Wayne Goldsmith
*NOTE – For coaches working with Junior athletes, please discuss your connection methods with the athlete’s parents or carers before commencing your remote coaching program.