Five Questions To Ask Yourself – Coaching Philosophy

Five Questions To Ask Yourself – Towards a Coaching Philosophy
Coaches ask a lot of questions.
Coaches are always looking for answers.
Perhaps the most important questions a coach can ask are those which are directed inwards – those which will help you discover the reasons why you coach and to help you to develop your own personal coaching philosophy.
The journey to discovering your own personal coaching philosophy isn’t something you can learn from other coaches.
It isn’t something you can learn by reading the latest in self-help books.
It requires an honest, direct, sincere self-reflection process – one which may be a little challenging and even uncomfortable.
However, knowing why you coach is a critically important aspect of coaching.
The day-to-day decisions of WHAT to coach and HOW to coach are all affected by the reason WHY you coach.
Understanding your motivation for coaching clarifies the reasons for why you do what you do and how you do them.
Think of it this way.
NOT knowing why you coach is like driving somewhere – let’s say New York City – without knowing the purpose for going there. You’ve got a car. You’ve got a map. But what’s the purpose of you driving to New York City?
Business? If that’s your purpose for heading to the “Big Apple” then you’ll want to stay somewhere close to your clients and your office and with easy access to business services, transport etc.
Fun and Relaxation? It that’s your purpose then you’ll be heading into Manhattan, staying close to Broadway and the “shows”, near restaurants… etc.
Your purpose – your motivation for going to New York City – determines your decisions and your actions once you get there.
Coaching is the same.
You might have access to great sporting facilities.
You could have brilliant training programs and engaging workouts.
But without knowing your motivation for coaching and understanding your purpose – without knowing your own personal coaching philosophy, you will find your coaching is limited and it will be difficult for you to realize your coaching potential.
Wayne Goldsmith