Ten Second Leadership – A Revolution in Leadership for Coaches

Ten Second Leadership – A revolution in Leadership for coaches, managers and all leaders.
If you’re like me, you’ve come to realize that Leadership and Leading has changed – particularly when you’re coaching and leading kids.
The days of holding long meetings with your teams and calling it Leadership are over.
Forget long, dull, boring team meetings where you expect your team to sit and watch endless hours of video reviews and read slide after slide of another pointless Power Point presentation.
You’ve got about ten seconds to connect with, engage with and inspire the hearts and minds of the people you lead.
That means you’ve got to master the art of efficient communication and the principles of Leading without Leading.
This is a revolution in the way we think about leadership.
It’s not about scheduling more meetings – it’s about identifying moments where you can connect with the people that matter in ways that are relevant and meaningful to them.
The brilliant thing about Ten Second Leadership is that the cumulative impact of finding moments to connect with your team builds and grows a strong, effective, productive team culture. It’s the cumulative effect of those ten, twenty, fifty, one hundred Ten Second Leadership moments over a week or a month that shape and grow a connected team.
Rather than spending hours and hours meeting with and talking with players, Ten Second Leadership proposes that it’s about finding moments where you connect with, engage with and inspire the hearts and minds of the people you coach in short “bursts” of direct communication: moments when they know that you care about them – where they feel like they’re the only person in the world.
It relies on you shifting your thinking from holding formal, structured team meetings to finding short, sharp, contextual opportunities to connect with individuals.
The power of this Leadership technique is that it is based on communicating with modern players and athletes in a way they can relate to – in a way that they want to be communicated with.
In this video I’ll introduce you to the concept of TEN SECOND LEADERSHIP and show you how it will transform your leadership