10 Habits Of Great Coaches – Living Excellence

Published by Wayne Goldsmith on

Wayne Goldsmith Coaching

10 Habits Of Great Coaches – Living Excellence

All great coaches have learned lessons, tricks of the trade, habits of excellence which they know can turn misery into mastery, struggles into success, and woes into winning.

Saying something as simple as “well done” the right way at the right time and in the right situation can make a huge difference to the performance and, indeed, to the life of an athlete.

Coaching is an art – an art which has been a mystery to most.

Coaches will typically enroll in training courses and education programs to help improve their coaching, but these courses are usually full of complex and complicated sport science. The coaching courses are full of content about the science of performance: sports physiology, sports biomechanics, sports nutrition, sports psychology, and so on.
But so much about great coaching, so much about the art of coaching, is about the non-science things – the un-coachable things.

This podcast looks at coaching and presents the Ten Habits – the Ten qualities of Great coaches.

It discusses what it is that great coaches do that sets them apart from the rest.

In the end, the question is – can you learn coaching “greatness”?

Can you, by adopting the habits of great coaches, accelerate your own learning, education and development and in time be considered a great coach in your own right?

It also raises the question of the definition of greatness in coaching.

Is coaching greatness measured in terms of performance outcomes alone, i.e. are the coaches who win titles and produce gold medal winning athletes the only coaches who can be called “great” or is greatness something more?

Can a coach who has never won a major competition but who has influenced the attitudes, values and character of generations of young athletes over a long coaching career be called “great”?

Enjoy the podcast.

Wayne Goldsmith

Wayne Goldsmith is a performance focused coaching professional with more than 25 years experience working with some of the world's leading athletes, coaches and teams. Wayne offers a wide range of coaching services for professional coaches, corporate executives and organizational leaders which are based on his experience delivering winning performances in high pressure sporting environments across the globe.


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