Leading Without Leading (Print)

(2 customer reviews)


Over the past 25 years I’ve worked with some of the most brilliant athletes, coaches and teams all over the world. I’ve listened, I’ve looked and I’ve learnt what it is that they do that makes them extra-ordinary.

And across that quarter of a century, one thing has become apparent…Leadership – in the traditional sense – in the Churchill, Kennedy, great political leader type leadership – doesn’t really exist. Not any more.

Every chapter of this book features a real-life-story, a first-hand experience of how people I’ve known and worked with across the globe inspire the hearts and minds of others.

12 in stock (can be backordered)


Leading with Leading is based on the premise that everything you’ve ever read about Leadership being a model or a technique or a system or a course or a program or an MBA or series of DVD’s is completely, utterly and comprehensively wrong.


Over the past 25 years I’ve worked with some of the most brilliant athletes, coaches and teams all over the world. I’ve listened, I’ve looked and I’ve learnt what it is that they do that makes them extra-ordinary.

And across that quarter of a century, one thing has become apparent…Leadership – in the traditional sense – in the Churchill, Kennedy, great political leader type leadership – doesn’t really exist. Not any more.

Real Life Stories in Leading and Leadership

Every chapter of this book features a real-life-story, a first-hand experience of how people I’ve known and worked with across the globe inspire the hearts and minds of others.

What most people call “Leadership” is really just ordinary people being comfortable with being themselves and it is that comfort – that genuineness – that authenticity – that honesty – that allows them to connect with and inspire meaningful change in other people.

Leading by being You

There is no one way to Lead. That’s because there’s no one like you.
You Lead by being You.

And if you get this one concept – you can learn to lead your family, your friends, your work colleagues, your neighbors, your team, your class, your school, your community – and yes – if you want to – your organization – effectively and efficiently – not by using a “method” or a “technique” or by attending a conference – but by simply – genuinely – being yourself.

Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 23 × 15 × 0.5 cm

2 reviews for Leading Without Leading (Print)

  1. Riaan Lubbe

    Leading without leading may sound like a simple concept but it is extremely liberating and powerful. By slowly and professionally stripping away the misconceptions and falsehood that has been communicated through popular leadership books, Wayne brings us back to the truth…anybody can lead.

    With information being so readily, and mostly freely, available the only true advantage a leader has is himself. There is a popular saying: ”all of us are born unique, yet only some of us die that way” and this is true especially in leadership. Leading out of you uniqueness is true leadership.

    This book includes many practical suggestions and true life stories. The writing is in true Wayne Goldsmith style, and his direct speech and broad range of experience can be felt on every page. With this book Wayne offers his unique and rare knowledge to the leaders who want to be better, succeed more and live a life with constant peak performance.

  2. Wayne Horne

    Leadership egalitarianism – anyone can lead – permeates Goldsmith’s visionary leadership model in “Leading Without Leading”. Defined as the “art of inspiring change through authentic, emotional connection” personal responsibility and leading by your own unique example are recurring themes.

    While each of the sixteen chapters have sharp focus and coherent preamble, the subsequent “Storytime” exemplars from his own extensive, unique and insightful experience serve as a highlight in each. Indeed, many of these are the source of memorable quotes from world renowned coaches or his own:
    Success is a moving target
    Change is critical to survival
    Lists about leadership are useless …. And my personal favourite: The way you do anything is the way you do everything.
    Each chapter is concluded with a very brief summary of the key concepts covered… very helpful!

    All in all, a most enjoyable and incisive contribution on the future of leadership.

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