The Fourth Element – Athlete Engagement!


Training Load Lecture Number 1 of every coaching course in the world starts with the 3 standard variables in load management and exercise physiology:

  1. Volume – How much to do
  2. Intensity – How hard to do it
  3. Frequency – How often to do it.

But, once you have coached for a few years and actually worked with athletes, the fourth and perhaps the most important variable of all becomes apparent as the critical determinant of exercise and training:

4. Athlete engagement – How completely the athlete is engaged in doing the activity.


Sports Science MDID – the Multidisciplinary / Interdisciplinary Approach to Performance Science.

These are the most common arguments for why the MD/ID approach to sports science will not work: However, the single counter argument to refute all these is this: Performance is multidisciplinary and multi-factorial by nature. Performance is the balanced integration of physical, mental, technical, tactical, cultural, genetic and other factors. Nothing Read more…

Athlete Empowerment Under The Microscope – Myths And Misunderstandings Of Coaching Empowerment.

Athlete Empowerment Under The Microscope – Myths And Misunderstandings Of Coaching Empowerment. The world of sports coaching – like most areas of human endeavour – is full of trends, fads, jargon, gizmos and gimmicks. Every so often there’s another “revolutionary” new direction in coaching, sports science, athlete development and sports Read more…